Friday, May 16, 2008

Mount Guyot, Moonrise, Clouds, 2005

The area between Pittman Center and Cosby has a number of fantastic views of the Smokies. There are several roads leading up the ridges that are west of highway 321. One evening in July of 2005, my wife and I drove up to where were were married for sentimental reasons. We stayed for as long as we could but the gnats quickly became intolerable. As we were driving down the winding road, the moon rose and the setting sun lit up the clouds. I stopped the truck, grabbed my camera and took as many photographs as possible before the light and mood changed. The timing was perfect. Much earlier and the moon would have been behind the clouds. Much later and the sunlight on the clouds would have darkened. For once, I was thankful for the gnats on Webb Mountain.

As it is, the original file is somewhat flat, necessarily so to obtain definition in the moon and the brightest part of the clouds. The file requires considerable adjusment in order to portray the exitement of the original "live" view without rendering the image too grainy.

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