Friday, October 17, 2008

Cascade Mountain and Clouds from Banff Springs Hotel 2006

Two years ago, we spent about 10 days in Calgary and Banff. Both towns were fantastic places to visit. After a few days in Calgary, we drove to Banff and Canmore where, we stopped at the Banff Springs Hotel for high tea.

Now, I enjoy hot tea (though coffee is my preferred hot drink) but being amongst the mountains, I am sure I was anxious to go somewhere I could take some photographs. (Patience, particularly when it comes to phtographs, is not one virtue I possess.)

As we were waiting for tea, we explored the grounds of the hotel. It was mid-June and while the weather was pleasantly cool, the gardens were full of flowers. After a few photos of the view from the hotel (and of the hotel), we walked around to the north corner of the hotel when this view appeared between the trees. Like many of my favorite photographs, I remember how it looked (and how I felt on seeing it) vividly.

I too often form the prejudice that beautiful photographs of mountains may only be found in the wilderness or far away from civilization. Banff, however, is a small resort town in the middle of a national park. It seems pointless to debate whether or not it should be there (in an aesthetic sense). It is, but the point of this is that no matter where you are, it pays to keep an open mind and try (at least, to enjoy the moment).

In the end, the trip to Banff and Calgary was probably one of the most photographically rewarding vacations I have had in years. The weather was moderate, the humidity low and there were clouds enough to make for a number of dramatic photographs. More on that later.

This digital photograph has superimposed a red filter to decrease the blue sky in between the clouds and bring out the light on the mountain. I also increased the contrast for the drama of the clouds. Of course, the real point is that I and my camera were lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time.

Oh, high tea was quite enjoyable as well.

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