Thursday, March 20, 2008

Snow, Rainbow Falls Trail 2003

When it snows in the Smokies, familiar trails change their complexion. There are far fewer people on the trails, giving them a peaceful quality, and the fragility of the snow perched on branches of a bush or tree limb makes what would be an ordinary view, unusual. The snow, of course, absorbs sounds so it is much quieter.

This was actually a late March snow. While snow in March is not unusual for the Smokies (there appeared to be a dusting on the peaks this evening), at this elevation (about 2600 feet), in early spring, it warranted special attention and I was glad we went. I'm quite sure we followed this walk in the snowy woods with dinner at the Park Grill.

This view caught my eye because of the contrast between the tree trunks and the snow covered branches and bushes. (If you look closely in the lower left portion, you'll see a rhododendron bush under the snow.)

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